37 Linked List Interview Questions

Linked List is one of the most used linear data structure . By using Linked List we can perform insertion and deletion in the constant amount of the time . Like array it does not store the values in the contiguous locations . 

The linked list contains two things first is the value and the second thing is the reference to the next node .

Advantages :

1. We can implement the round robin algorithm using Linked List .
2. We can perform merge operation without using extra space in Linked List.

Interview Questions :

Theoretical Problems :

1. What is the linked list ?
2. What are the advantages of the linked list ?
3. What are the differences between linked list and array ?
4. What are the real life implementations of the linked list ?
5. What is the doubly linked list ?
6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the doubly linked list ?
7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the circular linked list ?

Coding Problems :

01. Write a program to merge two sorted linked list .
02. Write a program to find whether the given Linked list is palindrome or not ?
03. Write a program to remove duplicates from the sorted array .
04. Write a program to find the middle node of the linked list.
05. Write a program to find the nth node from the end of linked list .
06. Write a program to delete the kth node from the linked list .
07. Write a program to reverse a linked list .
08. Write a program to perform the pairwise swap operation.
09. Write a program to find the intersection of the two linked list .
10. Write a program to segregate the even and odd nodes from the linked list.
11. Write a program to search a number in the linked list .
12. Write a program to insert the nodes at the beginning and at the end .
13. Write a program to delete the nodes at the beginning and at the end .
14. Write a program to reverse the linked list in group of k .
15. Write a program to add two numbers using linked list .
16. Write a program to to merge k sorted list .
17. Write a program to rotate a linked list .
18. Write a program to sort a linked list .
19. Write a program to delete a node , reference of that node is only given(head node reference is not given).
20. Write a program to implement the LRU cache .
21. Write a program to remove the duplicates from the unsorted linked list .
22. Write a program to detect a loop in the linked list .
23. Write a program to add a node after the middle node in the linked list .
24. Implement the round robin algorithm .
25. Write a program to remove a loop from the linked list .
26. Write a program to perform insertion operation in doubly linked list.
27. Write a program to perform deletion operation in doubly linked list.
28. Write a program to perform insertion operation in circular linked list.
29. Write a program to perform deletion operation in circular linked list.
30. Write a program to find the sub list having given sum .

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