You are given a 0-indexed string blocks
of length n
, where blocks[i]
is either 'W'
or 'B'
, representing the color of the ith
block. The characters 'W'
and 'B'
denote the colors white and black, respectively.
You are also given an integer k
, which is the desired number of consecutive black blocks.
In one operation, you can recolor a white block such that it becomes a black block.
Return the minimum number of operations needed such that there is at least one occurrence of k
consecutive black blocks.
Example 1:
Input: blocks = "WBBWWBBWBW", k = 7
Output: 3
One way to achieve 7 consecutive black blocks is to recolor the 0th, 3rd, and 4th blocks
so that blocks = "BBBBBBBWBW".
It can be shown that there is no way to achieve 7 consecutive black blocks in less than 3 operations.
Therefore, we return 3.
Example 2:
Input: blocks = "WBWBBBW", k = 2
Output: 0
No changes need to be made, since 2 consecutive black blocks already exist.
Therefore, we return 0.
n == blocks.length
1 <= n <= 100
is either'W'
.1 <= k <= n
Java Code :