Difference between Turn Around Time and Waiting Time in CPU Scheduling in Operating System



Here is a comparison of Turnaround Time and Waiting Time in CPU Scheduling in Operating System:

FeatureTurnaround TimeWaiting Time
DefinitionThe total time it takes for a process to complete its execution from the time it was submitted to the system.The amount of time a process spends waiting in the ready queue for the CPU to allocate resources to it.
CalculationTAT = Completion Time - Arrival TimeWT = Turnaround Time - Burst Time
PurposeMeasure of how efficiently the operating system is using the CPU to process tasks.Measure of how long a process has to wait in the ready queue to get CPU resources.
Unit of MeasurementTime (e.g., seconds)Time (e.g., seconds)
ConsiderationsTAT takes into account the entire life cycle of a process, including wait time and execution time.WT only considers the time spent waiting in the ready queue.
Affected byScheduling algorithms, process priority, system load, I/O operations, context switching, etc.Scheduling algorithms, process priority, system load, number of processes in the ready queue, etc.
Comparison with other processesCan be compared between processes to determine which processes take longer to complete.Can be compared between processes to determine which processes spend more time waiting in the queue.
OptimizationOptimizing TAT requires finding a balance between efficient CPU utilization and short wait times.Optimizing WT requires finding a scheduling algorithm that reduces wait time in the ready queue.
Performance MetricHigh TAT indicates poor performance, low TAT indicates efficient performance.High WT indicates poor performance, low WT indicates efficient performance.
Role in CPU SchedulingTAT is an important metric used to evaluate the performance of CPU scheduling algorithms.WT is an important metric used to evaluate the performance of CPU scheduling algorithms and the efficiency of resource allocation.
User PerceptionTAT directly impacts the user's experience, as the user has to wait for the process to complete.WT directly impacts the user's experience, as the user has to wait for the process to start executing.
Importance in Real-Time SystemsIn real-time systems, TAT must be predictable and within the required deadline to meet critical constraints.In real-time systems, WT must be minimized to ensure that the process is executed within its deadline.
Impact on Resource UtilizationHigh TAT can result in poor utilization of CPU and other system resources.High WT can result in poor utilization of CPU and other system resources.
Significance in Multi-Tasking EnvironmentIn a multi-tasking environment, TAT must be optimized to ensure that multiple processes can be executed efficiently and in a timely manner.In a multi-tasking environment, WT must be minimized to ensure that the CPU is used effectively and efficiently.

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