FScan Disk Scheduling Algorithm in Operating System



Fscan is a disk scheduling algorithm that is used in modern computer systems to efficiently manage and access data stored in the hard disk. The main goal of this algorithm is to reduce the amount of time it takes for the disk arm to move from one track to another, thus improving overall disk performance and throughput. In this blog, we will explore the key features and working of the Fscan disk scheduling algorithm.

What is Fscan? :

Fscan is a disk scheduling algorithm that was proposed by John Strunk in 1994. It is an enhancement of the C-Look disk scheduling algorithm, and it works by keeping track of the average seek time for each track on the disk. The algorithm uses this information to dynamically adjust the direction of disk arm movement, and it also makes use of a priority queue to hold requests that are waiting to be processed.

Working of Fscan:

The working of Fscan can be divided into three main phases:

1. Initialization: 

In this phase, the algorithm calculates the average seek time for each track on the disk. This information is then stored in a table, and it is used to dynamically adjust the direction of disk arm movement.

2. Request processing:

When a request for data access is received, the algorithm checks the direction of disk arm movement and adds the request to the appropriate end of the priority queue. If the disk arm is moving towards the outer tracks, requests for the outer tracks are added to the front of the queue, and if it is moving towards the inner tracks, requests for the inner tracks are added to the end of the queue.

3. Request servicing:

In this phase, the algorithm processes the requests in the priority queue, starting with the request that has the highest priority. As the disk arm moves from one track to another, it calculates the average seek time for each track and updates the table accordingly.

Advantages of Fscan:

There are several advantages to using the Fscan disk scheduling algorithm, including:

1. Dynamic adjustment of disk arm movement:

One of the key features of Fscan is that it dynamically adjusts the direction of disk arm movement based on the average seek time for each track. This helps to reduce the amount of time it takes for the disk arm to move from one track to another, thus improving overall disk performance.

2. Efficient use of disk arm movement: 

The Fscan algorithm also makes efficient use of disk arm movement by processing requests in a priority queue. This helps to reduce the amount of time it takes for the disk arm to move from one track to another, as it only needs to move in one direction at a time.

3. Improved disk throughput:

By reducing the amount of time it takes for the disk arm to move from one track to another, Fscan helps to improve disk throughput and overall disk performance.

Disadvantages of Fscan:

Despite its many advantages, there are also some disadvantages to using the Fscan disk scheduling algorithm, including:

1. Increased overhead: As the Fscan algorithm calculates the average seek time for each track on the disk, it requires more processing power and memory than other disk scheduling algorithms. This can result in increased overhead and reduced performance for the system as a whole.

2. Complex implementation: Another disadvantage of Fscan is that it can be more complex to implement than other disk scheduling algorithms. This is due to the need to keep track of the average seek time for each track and the need to use a priority queue to manage requests.


In conclusion, the FSCAN disk scheduling algorithm is a modern and efficient method for organizing and managing disk requests in a computer system. It combines the best features of both the SCAN and C-SCAN algorithms, providing a more balanced and fair approach to disk scheduling. The algorithm takes into account both the direction of the disk head movement and the location of the requests, making it well-suited for applications where there are a high number of disk requests.

The FSCAN algorithm has been found to be more efficient than other disk scheduling algorithms in terms of average response time and disk utilization. It provides a more efficient use of disk resources by balancing disk head movements and reducing disk latency.

Overall, the FSCAN disk scheduling algorithm is a valuable addition to the range of disk scheduling algorithms available for computer systems. Its combination of improved efficiency and performance make it a popular choice for computer systems administrators and designers looking for a more effective and efficient disk scheduling solution.

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