Round Robin CPU Scheduling Algorithm



Round Robin is a scheduling algorithm used in operating systems to manage the allocation of the CPU (Central Processing Unit) to multiple processes. The idea behind Round Robin is to divide the available CPU time equally among all the processes waiting for the CPU.

In Round Robin, each process is assigned a small time slice, also known as a time quantum, for using the CPU. The processes are put into a queue, and the CPU is given to each process in the queue for its time slice. Once a process has used its time slice, it is moved to the back of the queue, and the next process in the queue is given the CPU. This process continues until all processes have had a turn with the CPU.

Advantages of Round Robin:

  1. Fair allocation of CPU time: Round Robin ensures that all processes receive an equal amount of CPU time, even if one process is running faster than another. This helps to avoid starvation, where a slow process may never receive enough CPU time to complete its task.

  2. Improved response time: Round Robin allows for a more predictable response time for interactive processes, as each process is guaranteed a small amount of CPU time. This helps to make the system more responsive to user input.

  3. Efficient use of CPU: Round Robin ensures that the CPU is used efficiently, as the CPU is never idle for long periods of time.

Disadvantages of Round Robin:

  1. Overhead: Round Robin requires additional overhead, as the operating system must keep track of the time slice for each process and interrupt the current process after its time slice has expired.

  2. Inefficient for long running processes: Round Robin may be inefficient for processes that run for a long time, as they may be repeatedly moved to the back of the queue and receive less CPU time than other processes.

Applications of Round Robin:

  1. Interactive systems: Round Robin is often used in interactive systems, such as desktop and mobile operating systems, where responsiveness is important.

  2. Web servers: Round Robin is commonly used in web servers to manage the allocation of CPU time to incoming requests. This helps to ensure that all requests receive an equal amount of CPU time and that the system remains responsive.

  3. Embedded systems: Round Robin is also used in embedded systems, such as real-time systems, where the operating system must manage multiple tasks with hard real-time constraints.

An example of Round Robin in action is as follows:

Consider a computer system with three processes, A, B, and C. The operating system has a time quantum of 2 seconds. The processes are placed in a queue, with process A at the front, followed by B, and then C.

The operating system gives the CPU to process A for 2 seconds. After 2 seconds, the operating system interrupts process A and moves it to the back of the queue. The operating system then gives the CPU to process B for 2 seconds. The process continues in this way, with each process receiving 2 seconds of CPU time in turn, until all processes have had a turn with the CPU.

Another example of Round Robin is as follows:

Consider a computer system with four processes, X, Y, Z, and W. The operating system has a time quantum of 3 seconds. The processes are placed in a queue, with process X at the front, followed by Y, Z, and W.

The operating system gives the CPU to process X for 3 seconds. After 3 seconds, the operating system interrupts process X and moves it to the back of the queue. The operating system then gives the CPU to process Y for 3 seconds. The process continues in this way, with each process receiving 3 seconds of CPU time in turn, until all processes have had a turn with the CPU.

In conclusion, Round Robin is a widely used scheduling algorithm in operating systems that manages the allocation of CPU time to multiple processes. It divides the available CPU time equally among all processes, ensuring a fair allocation of CPU time and improved response time. However, Round Robin also has some disadvantages, such as the overhead required for tracking time slices and the inefficiency for long running processes. Despite its disadvantages, Round Robin is commonly used in interactive systems, web servers, and embedded systems where the operating system must manage multiple tasks. By using Round Robin, the operating system can ensure a more efficient and fair use of the CPU, improving the overall performance and responsiveness of the system.

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